So, where are the millions of years?

Secular scientists currently believe the Age of the Earth is 4.3 billion years old. Since they speak with such certainty, there should be physical evidence for these millions of years. They must have more than radiometric dating given all the issues with radiometric dating. They must have physical evidence in the rock layers showing the effects of so many years.

We have all seen rock layers like in the picture below. So, where are the millions of years?

God fearing and secular scientists agree that these layers where laid down quickly by water. Many of these rock layers cross from one continent to another which would of course require a global flood. So, the millions of years is actually in the nothing between each of the layers. Did you catch this? Secular scientists believe there is actually no physical evidence for the millions of years. They also must believe in a number of global floods since more than one rock layer spans continents.  

This is just another example of science supporting the Bible. Once again, secular scientists favor their God denying religion of evolution even if it means believing in nothing for millions of years.