Week Unit of Time
Every 7-day week confirms that God created the heavens and the earth during the first 6 days of Creation Week ceasing creation on the 7th day. How you might ask? God created the week unit of time which has been used since Creation Week.
The day unit of time has an astronomical basis with rising of the sun each morning. The month unit of time has an astronomical basis with the phases of the moon. The year unit of time has an astronomical basis with the earth returning to the same spot in its orbit of the sun. However, a week unit of time has no astronomical basis as do the other common divisions of time. The week is another example of modern life confirming what is taught in the Bible.
Just like all His creations, God values the week unit of time. He commanded by word (Ten Commandments) to Israel and by example (7th days of Creation Week in Genesis). So, enjoy the Lord’s Day rest which is the symbol of the eternal rest we find in Christ.