Human and Ape Skulls

Have you ever wondered why apes are portrayed as smart? Hollywood does not make movies about Dogs running the world while humans are subservient like they have done with Planet of the Apes. Yet, we all know Dogs have been trained to perform amazing skills. A problem for evolutionists is that Humans easily recognize we are very different from the animals. But, the evolution fairy tale claims we “came” from a common descendant as apes. So, evolution believers and those trying to get along must portray apes as the smartest of the animals to help sell their anti-God world view.

The question is: does the fossil record show evidence that we did evolve from apes? We continually hear about the “missing link” ape named Lucy. She must certainly have human traits.

Here are five skull differences between an Ape at the Zoo and yourself.

  1. Humans have a curved forehead between our ears compared to apes which have a flat forehead.
  2. Humans have a face that is perpendicular to our cheek bones while apes faces are slopped.
  3. When looking at a skull from the side, you can see into the eye socket of a human but not an ape.
  4. Humans have a nose bone while apes do not.
  5. Humans brain cavity is much larger than apes as a percentage of skull size.

Evolutionists tell us that Lucy is between apes of today and humans. They create pictures of her walking upright, museum exhibits have her painted with human colored skin and show her carrying a baby like a human mother would cradle her child. Lucy’s fossil record must clearly show that her skull has at least a few human traits. Does it have a curved forehead? No. Is her face perpendicular to the cheek bone? No. Can you see into the eye socket from the side? No. Does she have a nose bone? No. She must at least have an abnormally large brain for an ape? No.

Why is Lucy called the “missing link” if she has none of these human skull traits? Simple. She was dug up in a layer of rock that evolutionist say was after the ape-human evolutionary split. Since they have not one ape skull that has human traits, this was their chance to invent one. So, they did. They have so few pieces of Lucy enabling the evolutionist to insert their world view and then sell it to the public.

You might wonder about the Neanderthals which are an alleged pre-evolved human group. What does a Neanderthal skull tell us? Do they have a curved forehead? Yep. Are their faces perpendicular to the cheek bone? Yep. Can you see into the eye socket from the side? Yep. Do they have a nose bone? Yep. Do they have a brain cavity similar to ours? Larger.

The Bible and the fossil record agree, Lucy is an ape and Neanderthals are just another human group. Creation stopped on the 6th day just as the Bible says. Lucy has the skull of an ape and Neanderthals have the skull of a human just as Bible believing creationists would expect. Humans and only humans were created in God’s image which makes each and every one of you a tremendous value. So smile, God loves you!