Evolution Can’t Explain Creation
Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The Creation versus evolution debate surrounds this statement. Evolution theory was inspired by Satan to destroy the very first sentence of the Bible. Evolutionists would have you believe that science has accomplished this task. If true, evolutionists must have piles of scientific evidence to support their creation event. They don’t.
Evolutionists spend the vast majority of their time explaining the evolution tree. If you do an internet search you will find that there are many of these so called “Evolution Tree of Life.” The need for so many should raise your suspicion. I will address the complete lack of evidence for the evolution “tree” versus the huge amounts of evidence for the creation “forest” in a future post. The evolution tree starts with one trunk and each branch creates a Y. The Y is one kind of creature morphing over millions of years into another kind of creature.
You would expect some of these morphing creatures to be around today and for sure they should be found in the fossil record given they lived for such long periods of time. However, we have never once, not even one time, found or dug up a creature that is anywhere near any Y on the evolution tree. We always find distinct fully formed creatures. The fossils we dig up that are alleged to be millions of years old are fully formed and look the same as what we see alive today or are now extinct. We do not see partially formed dogs or any other creature walking around. Genesis 2.2 tells us that God finished creation after six days. It is no surprise to creationists that we find none of these “evolving” creatures alive today or in the fossil record.
Now back to why they focus on the evolution tree vs. creation forest debate. Dogs changing into sheep is the easy part to believe regarding the evolution fairy tale. Evolutionists still must answer some fundamental questions. Where did all the matter of the universe come from and how did that dead matter become alive? The Big Bang theory and spontaneous evolutionary life violates the foundation laws of science. The core laws of science are: Conservation of Matter, Thermodynamics and Conservation of Energy. Each one of these laws is violated by the Big Band and Evolution Theories. It has never been observed and no science experiment has ever produced matter from nothing or life from non-life.
Once again we see that the actual issue is a religious debate and centers on the word create. Where did the ground come from which the evolution tree grew? Either God created matter and life or “nothing” created matter and life as evolutionists believe. The fundamental laws of science that govern our world say it is not possible to create matter from nothing or life from death. Scientific laws require and we observe de-evolution and a falling apart (entropy) of our planet. Without access to the Garden of Eden Tree of Life, this is exactly what Bible believing creationists would expect.
It is evolution that is in conflict with the laws of nature and evolutionists agree even Prof. Dawkins. So why so many believers? The two reasons for belief in evolution are the active denial of a God or the desire to get along with those that are actively denying God. I think that pretty much sums up and explains what we see in our culture. Evolution was created as a religious belief system and not a result of scientific fact. Science, as we would expect, continues to support the Bible at every turn. The Bible is God’s Word, true, unchanging and can be trusted from Genesis through Revelation.